
Posts Tagged ‘water conservation’

Water could represent the new ag frontier

In Agribusiness, Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Innovation on April 11, 2009 at 7:17 pm

When we think of ag innovation, we tend to focus on things like food and polymers. But our most precious resource, water, might be our most important source of innovation material.

We live in a world where, according to the United Nations, more than one billion people have no access to clean water. That’s a problem begging for a solution.

Water also holds tremendous potential as a place to grow food for a rapidly-expanding immigrant population here in the US. Many of these nationalities prefer fish, and someone needs to figure out how to grow it for these consumers in a profitable manner.

Other opportunities for innovation include finding ways to conserve water to be used on crops and better methods for using water in very water-intensive processes, such as ethanol production.

It’s easy to dismiss these pursuits as green but not money-makers. But there is no arguing that water is becoming a more precious resource, and creating a way to conserve scarce resources is rewarded.